
26 December
Anger, the root of sins

“Always keep the angry person away from oneself like the birds, which one blows away when they come near them. It is said so because by staying with a tempered person, nature is turned upside down and there is loss of religion.” ( Rigveda 1/25/4) Desire, anger and greed are the enemies of a person,

3 December
It is possible to achieve the desired outcomes by giving up Laziness.

The ones who are awake are always wary of laziness and negligence; they understand the science of learning in this universe. These people attain peace and are called great ones. (Rigveda 5/16/14) The person who is awake is always vigilant. Wake up, and don’t stop until you achieve your goal. This is the main message by Swami Vivekananda.